How can one of God's most precious gifts also be such a challenge?! I had the perfect child...then he turned 3! :) "sweet Brady?" some of you may say....um yes. I am pretty sure it happened overnight! He is really improving my prayer life these days! :) Maybe it's the whole new baby taking away his thunder.....not sure....I'm still analyzing what is going on. Any advice is welcome at this point! We love him dearly, truely.
my little nephew is a perfect little angle... what are you talking about?!?!?!? :) Just kidding... I know he can be a little stinker at times! All I can say is he brings me so much joy in my life and I love him so much!!
I know parenting can be difficult... but I always pray for you and the little monkys :) Love ya! Joni
I love your blog! I can stay more on the up with what is going on with the McGowan's now. Even though you're having a rougher time with Monkey #1, just remember it is a season of life. And the LORD is refining you as He is training Brady.
Love ya!
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