Monday, September 15, 2008

a big monkey out of his cage.


Unknown said...

That is so funny! You may have Harper on the football team instead of being a cheerleader. =) And man, you need to let Lance get out more--HA HA!

Joni said...

those kids have one crazy dad!!!! :) that's so cool that he loves his kids so much & plays with them! I laughed and cried when I saw the video! love & miss you guys!!!

toni said...

I love Harper's little run- it's so cute!

Danae said...

Too funny...lance is a crack-up

Anonymous said...

This should be played throughout Bromenn perhaps in all of the waiting rooms...I feel that we (as in everyone at Bromenn) did not get a proper representation of the "true" Lance Mcgowan. He can no longer hide behind those quiet and quite serious facial expressions of his! What a crackstar!!! I just had to leave a comment. Oh yeah, and I remembered what I was going to ask you yesterday...will you email me your psuedo-recipe for that crockpot chicken velveeta-y fettucine you were telling me about. I'd love to try it! And I'd also love to have your email address. :)

Anonymous said...

forget to give ya the address: