Wednesday, October 24, 2007

yucky tummy....

Okay, so the hip shaking video wasn't working so I'll tell a story. Yesterday my sweet little angel named Brady apparantly was sneaking some candy that I didn't "know" about....he must of had quite a few when I wasn't looking. Well I had my 6 month old nephew yesterday all day and when it was time to take him home I thought "ya know, I'm tired...I'm going to run thru Starbucks." Brady asked if he could have some apple juice there...I said "sure". Well the juice must of "topped" him off with the sugar high. All the way home he complained about how his tummy was "yucky"...."mommy, my tummy is so yucky" he would say. By the time we got home, he was quite emotional about it so I picked him up to hug him and tell him he's fine. At that "perfect" moment....his yucky tummy was ALL OVER ME! Not clothes, my hands, my feet, my HAIR. YUCKY is right! I just shreaked....until I looked at Lance's face and we started cracking up. He was holding Harper who was trying to figure out what all the fuss was. Anyways...long story short...he confessed that he was eating too much sugar! Distracted mom or mischevious boy (is that how you spell it?)? At least we all have a sense of humor. What was the funniest was when we were tucking him into bed and I told him next time don't throw up on mom and he replied chuckling " yeah, next time I might throw up on dad! "


Joni said...

too funny!!!!! :) I'm sure he was enjoying that candy!! Little sweetheart :)